Application for Residence in Spain


residence application in Spain Article 126 of RD 557/2011, Temporary residence authorization for humanitarian reasons

Lawyer for Residence Application in Madrid

A residence authorization for humanitarian reasons may be granted under the following circumstances:


  • 1) Foreign nationals who are victims of crimes specified in articles 311 to 315, 511.1, and 512 of the Penal Code, crimes involving the aggravating circumstance of racist, antisemitic, or other discriminatory motives as defined in article 22.4 of the Penal Code, or crimes involving violence in a family context, provided there is a final judicial resolution confirming the victim’s status.


  • 2) Foreign nationals who can prove they suffer from a serious illness requiring specialized medical treatment unavailable in their country of origin. The absence or interruption of such treatment would pose a serious risk to their health or life. A clinical report issued by the relevant health authority is required. Exceptionally, this requirement may not apply for minors who are temporarily in Spain for medical treatment under article 187 of the Regulation. Renewals of these authorizations will depend on the minimum time needed to complete the treatment.


  • 3) Foreign nationals who can prove that their return to their country of origin or residence to apply for a visa poses a danger to their safety or their family’s safety. They must also meet the other requirements for obtaining a temporary authorization for residence or residence and work.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

TAGS: Residence Humanitarian Reasons

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