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Denial of Spanish Nationality

image denial of nationalityIt is taking place at the moment for 3 years many refusals of Spanish Nationality, and the most frequent causes, are for the nonfulfillment of art. 22 of the Civil Code, unlawful behavior, criminal or police records, lack of integration, this reason is for not adequately answer questions about Spain, society, culture, it is very common to deny in small civil registries, locals, populations outside Madrid as Getafe, also, populations of Tarragona, Bic, etc., also for not meeting the deadline of years to enter to apply for Spanish Nationality.WE PRESENT APPEAL TO ALL SPAIN.

The solution is to file an appeal for reconsideration before the Ministry of Justice, which has a term of 1 month, or directly file a Contentious-Administrative Appeal before the Audiencia Nacional.

  • Denial of nationality due to lack of integration, poor answers to the questionnaire, does not understand or speak Spanish, Spanish customs, Spanish language, expresses himself with difficulty.
  • Denial due to criminal or police record, unlawful conduct
  • Denial for lack of cohabitation with a married couple
  • Denial for not complying with 10 years of continuous legal residence.

Regarding both appeals, we are successful in both Delegations, in order to appeal, we must have a copy of the notified denial.

Due to the large number of files that have been processed by the civil registrars of nationality, about 400,000 files, they are being strict in granting nationality.In very paradoxical cases that have come to us, such as a university professor, with all her family nationalized, and being of Venezuelan nationality who is denied for lack of integration for not answering the questionnaire questions properly, subsequently contacted us and we achieved the ESTIMATION OF NATIONALITY APPEAL, many cases of being out of time the criminal record certificate of the country of origin, or having a criminal record, we also achieved the granting of Spanish nationality. granting of Spanish nationality, obtaining a 90% success rate in the appeals filed.


This client came to us after more than 4 years trying to appeal the denial of nationality with several appeals filed in ZARAGOZA, which were not granted, because of a certificate of criminal records not of origin, until finally we appealed to the National Court and with our help they granted him the nationality, here is the sentence:

sentence Audiencia Nacional 2017 considers nationality appeal of FBernal Abogados

filing of an appeal for reversal


nationality appeal

nationality appeal

appeal for denial of nationality

appeal for denial of nationality

“Remember that this is the website of the No. 1 Ranking Lawyer for Foreigners in Spain, (”.

Nationality 2019 Concession of Nationality in 2 months

Nationality 2019 Concession of Nationality in 2 months


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