Resident Visa for Investors

Fbernal Immigration Lawyers Madrid Investment Residency, Golden Visa. PfBernalImmigration Lawyers Madrid

THE RESIDENCE VISA FOR INVESTORS INTRODUCED BY LAW 14/2013, OF 27 SEPTEMBER, SUPPORTING ENTREPRENEURS AND THEIR INTERNATIONALIZATION (“GOLDEN VISA”) The residence visa for investors introduced by Law 14/2013, of 27 September, The entry into force of Law 14/2013, of September 27, 2013, on support for entrepreneurs and their internationalization (“Golden Visa“) is intended to attract investment by non-EU foreigners in Spain in exchange for obtaining the so-called “Golden Visa”.

At abogados extranjería, we are qualified to apply as representatives for investment residency.

  • Real estate investments: A residence visa may also be obtained through the acquisition of real estate in Spain for a minimum price of €500,000 per applicant.
  • It is an essential requirement to apply for the residence by investment, we help you to apply for your residence by investment this takes professional steps before the purchase of housing and after, professional and registration procedures, call us ☎ 649117806
  • The other type of investment is in Spanish public debt, as follows: In Spanish public debt securities for a minimum value of €2,000,000. This investment shall be accredited by means of a certificate issued by the financial entity or the Bank of Spain stating that the applicant is the sole holder of the investment for a period equal to or greater than 5 years.
  • Essential requirement that the investment must meet in its entirety in order to apply for investment residency.
  • In shares of Spanish companies for a minimum value of €1,000,000. This investment shall be evidenced by: (i) a certificate issued by the financial intermediary, duly registered with the National Securities Market Commission or the Bank of Spain, stating that the interested party has made the investment, in the event that the product acquired is listed shares; a copy of the investment declaration made in the Foreign Investment Register of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, in the event that they are unlisted shares. – In shares of Spanish companies for a minimum value of 1,000,000 €. This investment will be accredited by means of the same copy of the declaration of foreign investment that is foreseen for the investment in non-listed shares. – In bank deposits in Spanish financial institutions for a minimum value of 1.000.000 €. This investment will be accredited by means of a certificate from the financial entity stating that the applicant is the sole holder of the bank deposit. In accordance with article 64 of Law 14/2013, the applicant must accredit the realization of the financial investment within 60 days prior to the submission of the visa application by providing, in each case, the documents listed below

General Requirements

  • The applicant must not have any nationality within the European Union.
  • You can previously apply for the investment visa at the consulate of Spain, and then the Residence for Investment in Spain, indistinctly, to have the Residence must be requested specifically to the foreign authorities, with its specific application form, digitized process, Telematically, by electronic signature, through accredited representative for it, lawyer, etc, professional electronic signature enabled, which we have, we help you in processing your residence for investment, ☎ 649117806.
  • Not to have been, or to be irregularly present in Spanish territory.
  • Positive entry to Spain. Not having been previously rejected.
  • They cannot have a criminal record that qualifies as a felony.
  • Possess public or private health insurance, and that they do not suffer from any serious disease that could endanger a Spanish community, according to the International Health Regulations of 2005.


  • This Residence does not need to be in Spain for more than 6 continuous months, one entry per year is sufficient.
  • The investment holder’s family benefits, wife and children can also benefit, together they can apply for it, ALL THEIR FAMILY.
  • Power of attorney can be requested by attorney at law
  • Very short concession period, 20 working days.


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